An approach to optimising the uptake and impact of eHealth in western Sydney (463)
Based on experience with a number of eHealth projects in the past, key aspects of the approach are:
1. Taking a ‘whole of organisation’ approach to eHealth implementation with associated change management.
2. Partnering with key organisations including Western Sydney Local Health District, NSW Health Services Support, NeHTA and key providers
3. Creation of clusters of eHealth best practice with general practices and allied health providers
4. Enhancing PCHER functionality by development and deployment of an electronic shared care plan
5. Starting with a focus on diabetes to demonstrate meaningful use and benefit
The results of this work are continuing including:
1. Very high numbers of consumers and providers registered for the PCEHR.
2. Integration of the Local Health District diabetes outpatient clinics.
3. Implementation of a “Whole of District” model for diabetes prevention and management with eHealth integrated as a key enabler
4. Ongoing evaluation of outcomes.
The work of WentWest and its partners has a clear focus on driving and demonstrating the benefits of eHealth to providers and patients.